500 Princess Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables) (2024)

Step into a fairy tale realm with these 500 enchanting princess coloring pages that are entirely free to download and print! With their elegant gowns and regal tiaras, princesses have always been at the heart of countless tales, movies, and pop culture, making them a captivating coloring subject!

For this series, we created many princess-themed illustrations, including cute kawaii-themed princesses, Disney princesses, warrior princesses, iconic fairy tale princesses, cartoon princesses, Princess Diana in her wedding dress, fantasy-themed princesses, plus many others that you can see below!

500 Princess Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables) (1)

To start coloring any of these pages, click on any of the below images or links to open the free PDF. Once opened, you can then download or print as many pages as you like.

All of the below pages are on US letter-sized paper, but they also scale perfectly onto A4 paper too! Happy coloring!

Disney Princess (36 Pages)

Princess Peach (25 Pages)

Ariel (28 Pages)

Elsa (30 Pages)

Moana (39 Pages)

Rapunzel (20 Pages)

Cinderella (36 Pages)

Princess Tiana (24 Pages)

Belle (24 Pages)

Princess Daisy (24 Pages)

Jasmine (30 Pages)

Princess Fiona (34 Pages)

Sleeping Beauty (20 Pages)

Pocahontas (20 Pages)

Mulan (24 Pages)

Snow White (26 Pages)

Merida (20 Pages)

Anna (20 Pages)

Sofa The First (20 Pages)

Princess Celestia (20 Pages)

Princess Luna (22 Pages)

Rosalina (22 Pages)

Elena Of Avalor (20 Pages)

More Popular Princess Coloring Pages

Princess Diana And Prince Charles’s Wedding Coloring Page

Chibi Princess In Ball Gown Coloring Sheet

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Realistic Princess Diana Coloring Page

Young Mermaid Princess Coloring Page For Kids

Simple Princess Outline Coloring Sheet For Preschoolers

Anime Princess Peach

Princess Zelda In Gown Coloring Sheet

Kawaii Little Princess Coloring Page For Preschoolers

Cinderella Outside Of Castle Holding Glass Slipper

Prince Philip And Aurora’s Wedding Day Coloring Sheet

Chibi Princess Peach Coloring Page

Teenage Sofia The First Coloring Sheet

Princess In Wedding Dress In Front Of Castle Coloring Page

Princess Belle Holding Rose On Staircase

Cute Chibi Princess Coloring Sheet For Preschoolers

Rapunzel With Pascal And Maximus Tangled Coloring Page

Cute Princess In Ball Gown And Gloves

Aurora Holding Rose Outside Castle Coloring Sheet

Human Princess Ariel With Flounders Coloring Sheet

Realistic Princess Zelda Holding Sword Coloring Sheet

Tangled Princess Rapunzel With Lanterns In Background

Cute Princess Jasmine Coloring Page

Princess Moana Dancing

Swan Princess Odette Coloring Page

Mermaid Princess Sitting On Unicorn

Aurora Holding Rose Outside Castle Coloring Sheet

Princess Nezmina Of Legend of the Cryptids Coloring Page

Easy Little Princess Holding Umbrella Coloring Page

Tangled Princess Rapunzel With Lanterns In Background

Cartoon Disney Princesses Coloring Page For Kids

Realistic Snow White Holding Apple

Princess Cinderella Inside Castle Coloring Sheet

10 Craft Ideas To Do With Princess Coloring Pages

Here are 10 low-cost, exciting, and imaginative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!

10. Paper Dolls

You can turn my adorable princess pictures into paper dolls that your kids will love to play with again and again.

It’s super simple: You’ll just print out the figures you want to use onto cardstock. I say use cardstock because it’s a bit sturdier and more durable than computer paper.

If you don’t have any cardstock on hand right when you make the paper dolls, you can always get some later.

Then, you’ll trace the outline of the dolls against it, cut the outline, and then paste the two pieces together.

Once you have your figures printed, your kids can color them in and cut them out. That’s it!

If you want, you can add extra-large crafting sticks to the back for more of a puppet feel.

And aspiring designers can also make extra outfits for the dolls to wear!

9. Princess 3D Hair Page

To make 3D hair on my princess pages, you’ll print out the picture you want to use and color everything in except the main figure’s hair.

Then, your kids will pick out what color they want the princess’s hair to be – yellow for a blonde, red for a redhead, black or brown for a brunette, etc.

Take a piece of construction paper in the color you want to use and cut out small strips. Using a pencil, you’re going to curl the strips.

Once you have enough to cover the princess’s head, you’ll paste the strips down over the illustration of her hair, filling it in until she has a full head.

8. Princess Feather Dress Page

This is a very simple craft that even older toddlers can do and work on their pincer grasp.

You’ll just need lots of crafting feathers and glue!

Your kids will dot a little glue on the end of the feathers and paste them down onto the princesses’ gowns.

They can use strictly one color, stay in one color family (like all blues or all greens), or go totally wild and create a multi-color effect.

7. Princess Necklace (Or Bracelet)

To make necklaces or bracelets, you’ll have to resize the illustration so that the central figure will fit inside whatever pendant craft you have chosen.

Print that out and have your kids color them in; then place the pendant over the figure and trace around it. They’ll cut out along that traced line.

Glue the little circle down onto the pendant base and affix the top over it, then add whatever chain or cord you want.

6. Princess In A Carriage Page

To make this craft, you will need a paper plate, construction paper, markers, and glue.

To start off, you’ll cut a square-ish shape out of the middle of the paper plate, then decorate it like a carriage, using any manner of markers, glitter, etc.

You can create a simple base for the carriage by cutting out a long, thin strip and then affixing wheels on either end.

Flip the paper plate over and attach curtains – this would be a great place for red or pink wrapping paper, as the gloss resembles satin.

Then, you’re going to print out the princess figure you want to use, color her in, and cut her out. Glue her to the carriage from the back and flip the whole thing over again.

You’ll just glue the entire carriage to a piece of construction paper to finish it off.

5. Princess Mirror

To make princess mirrors, you will need rectangular mirrors; these can be mounted, or you can get a picture frame stand to hold it up.

You’ll gather an assortment of princess paraphernalia, like ribbons, bows, pom poms, etc., as well as the princess figure you want to use, printed out, colored in, and cut out.

You’re going to hot glue the items to the mirror, arranging them around the frame. Wait for the hot glue to dry before using the mirror!

4. Sequined Princess Page

This is a cute and fun craft that is perfect for kindergarteners and older – you’ll just need lots of different colors (and sizes!) of sequins.

Your kids will glue the sequins down onto the page until the princess’s dress is totally filled in.

The effect will be so shimmery and glittery!

3. Princess Slippers

You’ll need a pair of inexpensive satiny shoes that fit your child.

Print out the figures you want to use onto shrink sheets; have your kids color them in with marker and cut them out.

Bake per the instructions and let cool; once they’re ready, you can hot glue them to the slippers.

2. Princess Crowns

To make crowns, you can find a crown outline or draw your own.

Carefully cut it out and then set aside. You’ll then print out the princess figure (or figures!) you want to use, have your kids color them in, and cut them out.

Glue the cut-outs to the crowns and let dry completely before wearing!

1. Princess Sashes

This is an awesome craft for a princess-themed birthday party.

You’ll need blank paper sashes, which you can find on Amazon or perhaps at your local Walmart.

Have the kids color in and cut out princess figures and glue them to the sashes; then, they’ll decorate the rest of the sashes with glitter, sequins, pom poms, fringe – whatever they like.

They can wear them as soon as the glue has dried!

500 Princess Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables) (61)
500 Princess Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables) (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.