About – Prevention Access Campaign (2024)

Table of Contents
The evolution of U=U First report of AIDS ACT UP NY is founded, paving the way for future HIV/AIDS activism Highly effective HIV treatment is developed Dr. Julio Montaner pioneers the concept of Treatment as Prevention (TasP) Dr. Pietro Vernazza and the Swiss National AIDS Commission are the first to confirm that people living with HIV on effective treatment cannot sexually transmit HIV HPTN-052 clinical trial reports that early treatment dramatically reduced the risk of HIV transmission in heterosexual couples with different HIV status. PARTNER 1 study reports no HIV transmission after sero different couples had sex without condoms more than 44,000 times Gus Cairns and Bruce Richman brainstorm “U=U” U=U is launched in early 2016 by a group of people living with HIV and global experts to build a consensus about the science of transmission risk and to promote it as “U=U” Terrence Higgins Trust issues the world’s first U=U statement from an NGO and medical director PARTNER 1 final results are published, reporting zero HIV transmissions after more than 58,000 condomless sex acts HPTN-052 final results are published which confirm that no participants with an undetectable viral load transmitted HIV to their HIV-negative sexual partner during the study New York City Department of Health becomes the world’s first city and health department to endorse U=U NASTAD and YouthCo become the first nonprofits in the US and Canada to sign on and issue U=U statements Dr. Carl Dieffenbach and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) produce videos to confirm U=U and ZERO risk of transmission CATIE signs on as the first globally recognized HIV information site Activists protest at the the International AIDS Society conference in Paris demanding that U=U be communicated worldwide At the International AIDS Society conference, leaders from UNAIDS, PEPFAR, and Dr. Anthony S. Fauci confirm U=U The Opposites Attract study shows zero HIV transmissions among gay male couples of different HIV status Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Insitute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), declares “the science really does verify and validate U=U” at the United States Conference on AIDS CDC confirms U=U: People living with HIV who are virally suppressed have “effectively no risk” of transmitting HIV The Washington Post writes “[U=U is] the campaign credited with beginning to change the public perception about HIV transmissibility” Dr. Maureen Goodenow, Director of the National Institutes of Health Office of AIDS Research (OAR) writes U=U is a “game changer” Dr. Alison Rodger announces “The risk is zero” with the results of the PARTNER 2 study at the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam Canada becomes the first country to endorse U=U Love to Love Organisation in Uganda holds Africa’s first U=U conference Brazilian government becomes first in Latin America to include U=U in updated HIV guidelines The CDC endorses the use of “Undetectable = Untransmittable” and Prevention Access Campaign materials CDC confirms viral suppression is 100% effective for preventing sexual transmission of HIV Dr. Anthony S. Fauci calls U=U the “foundation of being able to end the epidemic” and says transmission when someone has an undetectable viral load is “impossible” U=U is awarded Special Recognition by U.S. Congress at the U.S. Conference on AIDS The official United States HIV treatment guidelines are updated to include U=U Groundbreaking research shows that people living with HIV report significantly better health outcomes when their healthcare providers inform them about U=U Love Without Borders in Beijing holds China’s first U=U & PrEP Advocates Conference U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) includes U=U education as a minimum requirement of all 50 PEPFAR countries Advocates in Russia hold first U=U (H=H) conference The United Nations endorses U=U and encourages member states to leverage U=U as a stigma intervention tool The World Health Organization (WHO) includes U=U in official guidelines on on HIV prevention, testing, treatment, service delivery and monitoring Prevention Access Campaign Celebrates 5 years of the U=U movement Present Day FAQs

In 2016, a group of people living with HIV collaborated with HIV researchers to launch Prevention Access Campaign’s Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) campaign.

The U=U campaign launched with the following goals: (1) create an international science-based consensus confirming that when treatment reduces HIV to undetectable levels it can’t be sexually transmitted (U=U); (2) disseminate the groundbreaking science with a global network of partners that could adapt and localize the message; and (3) leverage the U=U science in policy advocacy to ensure universal access to the information, treatment and care for U=U to be a reality for all people living with HIV.

Once a grassroots campaign, U=U is now a global health and human rights movement of over 1,000 organizations and health ministries in more than 100 countries. U=U has been accepted by the global medical and scientific community as a life-changing, stigma-busting, and transmission-stopping fact. By working collaboratively across sectors and leveraging the expertise of scientists, activists, and public health officials, the U=U campaign has been able to effect a seismic shift in the understanding and perception of HIV. The success of U=U is a testament to the power of evidence-based advocacy, partnerships, and the unwavering commitment of the HIV community. This achievement is particularly noteworthy given the significant resistance that initially surrounded the U=U concept. It was a hard-fought battle, but one that was necessary to challenge the status quo and change decades of stigmatizing outdated communications, laws, policies and practices.

The U=U movement builds upon the rich history of HIV activism, research, and developments in treatment and prevention dating back to the early days of the epidemic. Below is a timeline of some of the key moments in the history of the U=U movement. We wish we could honor all the extraordinary people and organizations that made this movement what it is today. A full list of U=U Community Partners can be found here.

The evolution of U=U

  • 1981

    First report of AIDS

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  • 1987

    ACT UP NY is founded, paving the way for future HIV/AIDS activism

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  • 1996

    Highly effective HIV treatment is developed

    (Highly Active Antiretroviral Retroviral Treatment/ HAART) means HIV becomes a chronic illness and is no longer a death sentence.

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  • 2006

    Dr. Julio Montaner pioneers the concept of Treatment as Prevention (TasP)

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  • 2008

    Dr. Pietro Vernazza and the Swiss National AIDS Commission are the first to confirm that people living with HIV on effective treatment cannot sexually transmit HIV

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  • 2011

    HPTN-052 clinical trial reports that early treatment dramatically reduced the risk of HIV transmission in heterosexual couples with different HIV status.

    The study was so effective that it was stopped early so all participants could use ART.

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  • 2014

    PARTNER 1 study reports no HIV transmission after sero different couples had sex without condoms more than 44,000 times

    “When asked what the study tells us about the chance of someone with an undetectable viral load transmitting HIV, presenter Alison Rodger said:“Our best estimate is it’s zero.”

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  • 2016

    Gus Cairns and Bruce Richman brainstorm “U=U”

    At the 2016 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Gus Cairns (global HIV activist-journalist & member of the Prevention Access Campaign’s Founding Task Force) and Bruce Richman (Prevention Access Campaign’s Founding Executive Director) discussed strategies to build a consensus that an undetectable viral load was uninfectious. Gus called this “the big secret” in the HIV field. While it was being discussed as “Undetectable = Uninfectious,” Gus suggested the catchy slogan “U=U,” which, over time, and with additional community input, became “Undetectable = Untransmittable” or “U=U.”

    About – Prevention Access Campaign (8)

  • 2016

    U=U is launched in early 2016 by a group of people living with HIV and global experts to build a consensus about the science of transmission risk and to promote it as “U=U”

    About – Prevention Access Campaign (9)

  • 2016

    Terrence Higgins Trust issues the world’s first U=U statement from an NGO and medical director

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  • 2016

    PARTNER 1 final results are published, reporting zero HIV transmissions after more than 58,000 condomless sex acts

    Image credit: Terrence Higgins Trust

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  • 2016

    HPTN-052 final results are published which confirm that no participants with an undetectable viral load transmitted HIV to their HIV-negative sexual partner during the study

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  • 2016

    New York City Department of Health becomes the world’s first city and health department to endorse U=U

    Dr. Demetre Daskalakis leads NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene in historic world-first

    About – Prevention Access Campaign (13)

  • 2016

    NASTAD and YouthCo become the first nonprofits in the US and Canada to sign on and issue U=U statements

    About – Prevention Access Campaign (14)

  • 2016

    Dr. Carl Dieffenbach and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) produce videos to confirm U=U and ZERO risk of transmission

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  • 2017

    CATIE signs on as the first globally recognized HIV information site

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  • 2017

    Activists protest at the the International AIDS Society conference in Paris demanding that U=U be communicated worldwide

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  • 2017

    At the International AIDS Society conference, leaders from UNAIDS, PEPFAR, and Dr. Anthony S. Fauci confirm U=U

    One year after the U=U Consensus Statement was issued, U=U advocates from sixteen countries convened at the International AIDS Society Conference in Paris where the mayor of Paris signed the city on to U=U and leaders from UNAIDS, PEPFAR, and Dr. Anthony S. Fauci confirm U=U at a press conference.

    About – Prevention Access Campaign (18)

  • 2017

    The Opposites Attract study shows zero HIV transmissions among gay male couples of different HIV status

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  • 2017

    Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Insitute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), declares “the science really does verify and validate U=U” at the United States Conference on AIDS

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  • 2017

    CDC confirms U=U: People living with HIV who are virally suppressed have “effectively no risk” of transmitting HIV

    See more of of the CDC’s language and sources at U=U Flagship Endorsem*nts.

    About – Prevention Access Campaign (21)

    The CDC Follows the Data: Effectively NO RISK
  • 2017

    The Washington Post writes “[U=U is] the campaign credited with beginning to change the public perception about HIV transmissibility”

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  • 2018

    Dr. Maureen Goodenow, Director of the National Institutes of Health Office of AIDS Research (OAR) writes U=U is a “game changer”

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  • 2018

    Dr. Alison Rodger announces “The risk is zero” with the results of the PARTNER 2 study at the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam

    The PARTNER studies’ lead author Dr. Alison Rodger sends a message to clinicians who hesitate to share U=U with their patients, stating “it’s very clear the risk is zero,” and “the time for excuses is over.” Dr. Rodger incorporates PAC and U=U into all PARTNER 2 official communications including the published journal article and press releases.

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    Click here to see the video
  • 2018

    Canada becomes the first country to endorse U=U

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  • 2019

    Love to Love Organisation in Uganda holds Africa’s first U=U conference

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  • 2019

    Brazilian government becomes first in Latin America to include U=U in updated HIV guidelines

    The guidelines state (translated into English): “The rationale for using the concept is supported by scientific evidence that antiretroviral therapy (ART) and undetectable viral load do not transmit the virus sexually. The term Undetectable = Untransmissible (U = U) is already used by scientists and reference institutions on HIV worldwide.”

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  • 2019

    The CDC endorses the use of “Undetectable = Untransmittable” and Prevention Access Campaign materials

    “We urge you to share this groundbreaking science with your communities. You can use CDC-developed materials, as well as materials developed by community groups such as Prevention Action Campaign, the organization responsible for the U=U campaign (undetectable=untransmittable).” See more of the CDC’s language and sources at U=U Flagship Endorsem*nts.

    About – Prevention Access Campaign (28)

    CDC Letter Approving Usage of U=U Communications
  • 2019

    CDC confirms viral suppression is 100% effective for preventing sexual transmission of HIV

    See more of the CDC’s language and sources at U=U Flagship Endorsem*nts.

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  • 2019

    Dr. Anthony S. Fauci calls U=U the “foundation of being able to end the epidemic” and says transmission when someone has an undetectable viral load is “impossible”

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  • 2019

    U=U is awarded Special Recognition by U.S. Congress at the U.S. Conference on AIDS

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    The U.S. Congress Recently Recognized “U=U.” Here’s How It Happened.
  • 2019

    The official United States HIV treatment guidelines are updated to include U=U

    “All persons with HIV should be informed that maintaining a plasma HIV RNA (viral load) of <200 copies/mL, including any measurable value below this threshold value, with antiretroviral therapy (ART) prevents sexual transmission of HIV to their partners. Patients may recognize this concept as Undetectable = Untransmittable or U=U.”

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    U.S. Government Updates HIV Treatment Guidelines to Include U=U
  • 2020

    Groundbreaking research shows that people living with HIV report significantly better health outcomes when their healthcare providers inform them about U=U

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  • 2020

    Love Without Borders in Beijing holds China’s first U=U & PrEP Advocates Conference

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  • 2021

    U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) includes U=U education as a minimum requirement of all 50 PEPFAR countries

    “The idea that someone living with HIV, who is both on treatment and virally undetectable, cannot transmit the virus to a sexual partner is revolutionary.” “Information on the benefits of ART should be provided to PLHIV and U=U should be emphasized when counseling people for HIV testing.” See more of PEPFAR’s language and sources at U=U Flagship Endorsem*nts.

    About – Prevention Access Campaign (35)

    PEPFAR 2021 Country and Regional Operational Plan (COP/ROP) Guidance for all PEPFAR Countries: U=U Made as Minimum Requirement
  • 2021

    Advocates in Russia hold first U=U (H=H) conference

    About – Prevention Access Campaign (36)

  • 2021

    The United Nations endorses U=U and encourages member states to leverage U=U as a stigma intervention tool

    About – Prevention Access Campaign (37)

    Undetectable = Untransmittable Endorsed by United Nations
  • 2021

    The World Health Organization (WHO) includes U=U in official guidelines on on HIV prevention, testing, treatment, service delivery and monitoring

    “ARV drugs play a key role in HIV prevention. People taking ART who achieved viral suppression (<200 copies/ml) do not transmit HIV to sexual partners.” “With U=U, HIV treatment has transformed the HIV prevention landscape.” See more of WHO’s language and sources at U=U Flagship Endorsem*nts.

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  • 2021

    Prevention Access Campaign Celebrates 5 years of the U=U movement

    About – Prevention Access Campaign (39)

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Present Day

About – Prevention Access Campaign (2024)


Can you stay undetectable forever? ›

How long can HIV stay undetected? Research from 2021 suggests that HIV could remain undetected indefinitely as long as the person takes their medication regularly. However, some risk factors may predispose a person to returning to a detected status.

Do I need PrEP if my partner is undetectable? ›

An undetectable viral load means that the level of HIV in their body is too low to be measured by a blood test and will not be transmitted through sex. In this case, you do not need PrEP.

Can you be undetectable without medication? ›

It is very unusual to have an undetectable viral load without treatment, but a very small proportion of HIV positive people, known as elite controllers, have undetectable viral loads less than 50 copies/mL for years without treatment. This is very rare and only about 1-in-300 HIV positive people are elite controllers.

Can I infect someone while on PrEP? ›

Rosengren said the odds for transmitting or acquiring an HIV infection are unlikely. “When we start people on PrEP, we get an HIV test,” she says. Part of the guidelines that clinicians follow when prescribing PrEP involve ordering an HIV test first to ensure that their patient isn't already living with HIV.”

Can you kiss someone who is undetectable? ›

It's completely safe to kiss and hug your partner. If your partner is taking HIV treatment and has an undetectable viral load, there is no risk of HIV transmission.

Can an undetectable person have a baby? ›

Most people who take their HIV treatment as prescribed, can expect an 'undetectable' viral load. They will also live long and healthy lives without developing AIDS. When HIV is undetectable, it cannot spread through sex. It is safe to become pregnant and breastfeed without fear of passing the virus on to the baby.

Will you test positive if you are undetectable? ›

You can still test positive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) even if your viral load is undetectable because you may have a suppressed viral load that cannot be detected, but you still have the virus inside your body.

Is it OK to date someone undetectable? ›

If someone with HIV has an undetectable viral load, they can't transmit HIV to others. This is another important way the partner without HIV is protected against the virus.

Can you donate sperm if you're undetectable? ›

People with HIV can now donate sperm or eggs to family, friends and known recipients provided that: They have a "sustained, undetectable viral load" They have been receiving antiretroviral treatment for at least six months prior to donation; and. The known recipient is aware of their HIV diagnosis and consents.

Should I tell people I'm undetectable? ›

If you are in an ongoing relationship, telling your partner might open up a crucial source of support. If you are undetectable, letting them know about U=U may help them feel less anxious about sex. It has helped many couples feel that one of them having HIV is not 'a big deal'.

Should I get tested even if my partner is undetectable? ›

Regular sexual health check-ups are recommended for everyone, regardless of their HIV status. An undetectable viral load only prevents HIV transmission from an HIV-positive partner to an HIV-negative partner. It doesn't stop the transmission of any other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) from either partner.

Why do people want to be undetectable? ›

Being undetectable prevents HIV disease from progressing and allows people to live long and healthy lives. It also protects the health of their sex partners. People cannot pass HIV through sex when they have undetectable levels of HIV.

What happens if you sleep with someone on PrEP? ›

If your partner is on PrEP, they are protecting themselves from HIV, which helps protect you. As a result, it is extremely unlikely that you would ever get HIV from a person on PrEP, because that person is almost certainly not living with HIV.

Is PrEP safer than condoms? ›

If you are at a high risk of HIV transmission, it is likely best to go on PrEP. However, you should continue to use condoms until you have taken PrEP consistently for a number of days – as well as after for better protection!

Should I take PrEP in the morning or night? ›

Take PrEP every day. You can take PrEP any time during the day, with or without food. PrEP works best if you take it at the same time every day. You may want to take PrEP before or after a daily activity, like when you eat breakfast, or when you brush your teeth before bed.

Can an undetectable person get reinfected? ›

HIV medication and infectiousness

This means more people will be on treatment sooner and will have an undetectable viral load, so although reinfection is a theoretical risk, it's unlikely.

Why do I stay undetectable? ›

Getting and keeping an undetectable viral load is the best thing people with HIV can do to stay healthy. If you get an undetectable viral load and keep it, you have effectively no risk of transmitting HIV to an HIV-negative partner through sex. Improve your overall health.

Do undetectable people still test positive? ›

If you're undetectable, you will still test positive for HIV. This is expected, and doesn't mean that your treatment is not working. Every year, San Francisco AIDS Foundation conducts more than 15,000 HIV tests. People from all over the Bay Area—even all over the world—access our services find out their HIV status.

Does undetectable mean untransmittable? ›

People cannot pass HIV through sex when they have undetectable levels of HIV. This prevention method is estimated to be 100% effective as long as the person living with HIV takes their medication as prescribed and gets and stays undetectable. This concept known as Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U).

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.